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《凯蒂娅的世界游戏:游戏开始》(‘Katja’s World Game: The Game Begins’)是小说三部曲中的第一部,它探索了自然世界、超自然世界以及充满故事和游戏的世界。



The cover book

What others say

Although Ekstam strongly evokes the English South-West and specific locations in Norway, this trilogy of novels will appeal to a wide, international readership, in no small part thanks to its multicultural range of main characters. The author’s prose is reader-friendly and showcases an effective use of characterisation and suspense. More importantly, perhaps, the books are action-packed. This will make them popular among young- and new-adult adult readers, who will also appreciate the effective mix of mystery and fantasy and feel an immediate connection with the main characters, all university undergraduates. At the same time, Ekstam’s deceptively simple style belies some serious lyricism and conjures up a touching sense of oneness that makes it a perfect vehicle with which to convey an important message for us all: there is a planetary emergency, and immediate action is required. Consequently, these novels will work well if used for discussion in secondary school and university contexts. Yet their appeal is stronger and wider than this. Because the trilogy is ultimately about the power of literature to bring people together, irrespective of age, nationality or gender, I can easily imagine a host of Katja fans the moment these books see the light of day. Overall, a remarkable achievement.
José Igor Prieto-Arranz, Associate Professor in English at the University of the Balearic Islands, Spain, is a friend and colleague who has written a review of Katja’s World Game: The Game Begins. In this review, he offers his thoughts on the book's portrayal of climate change and its potential effects on our world.
I'm really looking forward to reading Katja's World Game. The premise is very intriguing: science and the supernatural mix in an epic quest to save the world from self-annihilation and the journey becomes an actual game for the characters to play with existential consequences for all.
Valentina Giambanco, Author of the ‘Detective Alice Madison’ series


凯蒂娅(Katja)是一名在英格兰南部巴斯一所大学就读的十九岁学生。有着一半挪威人血统、一半英国人血统的她逐渐爱上了巴斯这座城市。生活是美好的 —— 或者至少,曾经是美好的!值得高兴的是,她在大学里交到了新朋友;虽然不被家人理解,父母的婚姻也出现了危机,但是他们很爱她。

而在她遇到教授后,几乎一切都变了:似乎她不"只是" 凯蒂娅(Katja), 而是这座星球的某个守护者。如何守护地球?—— 这最初是一个她极力想要不予理会的问题。然而,逃避是不行的,虽然很艰难,但她还是必须要做出选择。为了她自己,为了她所爱的人,为了地球的环境,她只能希望这些选择是正确的。

A glacier is a large mass of ice that moves slowly down a slope.
A forest fire is a fire that burns in a forest.
A photograph of the Namibian landscape is featured in the video for Child of Lockdown by Blue Bird by Peter Burdon
Am I alone?
The katja's world game cover in a oval shape
What will I forget?
Is this really happening?




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